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The Review page of the Frigate UI is for quickly reviewing historical footage of interest from your cameras. Review items are indicated on a vertical timeline and displayed as a grid of previews - bandwidth-optimized, low frame rate, low resolution videos. Hovering over or swiping a preview plays the video and marks it as reviewed. If more in-depth analysis is required, the preview can be clicked/tapped and the full frame rate, full resolution recording is displayed.

Review items are filterable by date, object type, and camera.

Review items vs. tracked objects (formerly "events")

In Frigate 0.13 and earlier versions, the UI presented "events". An event was synonymous with a tracked or detected object. In Frigate 0.14 and later, a review item is a time period where any number of tracked objects were active.

For example, consider a situation where two people walked past your house. One was walking a dog. At the same time, a car drove by on the street behind them.

In this scenario, Frigate 0.13 and earlier would show 4 "events" in the UI - one for each person, another for the dog, and yet another for the car. You would have had 4 separate videos to watch even though they would have all overlapped.

In 0.14 and later, all of that is bundled into a single review item which starts and ends to capture all of that activity. Reviews for a single camera cannot overlap. Once you have watched that time period on that camera, it is marked as reviewed.

Alerts and Detections

Not every segment of video captured by Frigate may be of the same level of interest to you. Video of people who enter your property may be a different priority than those walking by on the sidewalk. For this reason, Frigate 0.14 categorizes review items as alerts and detections. By default, all person and car objects are considered alerts. You can refine categorization of your review items by configuring required zones for them.

Restricting alerts to specific labels

By default a review item will only be marked as an alert if a person or car is detected. This can be configured to include any object or audio label using the following config:

# can be overridden at the camera level
- car
- cat
- dog
- person
- speech

Restricting detections to specific labels

By default all detections that do not qualify as an alert qualify as a detection. However, detections can further be filtered to only include certain labels or certain zones.

# can be overridden at the camera level
- bark
- dog

Excluding a camera from alerts or detections

To exclude a specific camera from alerts or detections, simply provide an empty list to the alerts or detections field at the camera level.

For example, to exclude objects on the camera gatecamera from any detections, include this in your config:

labels: []

Restricting review items to specific zones

By default a review item will be created if any review -> alerts -> labels and review -> detections -> labels are detected anywhere in the camera frame. You will likely want to configure review items to only be created when the object enters an area of interest, see the zone docs for more information


Because zones don't apply to audio, audio labels will always be marked as a detection by default.